Saturday 6 December 2014

The Assistant Producer: Ms C. Cheese.

By Ansonn Cheah

The Beauty and the Beast production would be nothing if not for the efforts of its staff,
both on and behind the scenes. One of the head honchos, Ms Cheese has been a part of
the production since its beginning, and has worked at assisting Ms Barclay to
see the production through to its finale. She managed to find five minutes to have an
interview with me in between communicating with various students and members of staff, and still teaching English class.

-How long have you been in charge of your sector, as the Producer?
I've been involved since April (auditions), I would say I'm an extra pair of hands in
assisting Ms Barclay.

-Did you personally handpick all of the cast members?
Well no, it was myself, Ms Barclay, Mr Everett, Ms Khoo, Ms Southgate, Ms Hewitt and Ms

-Being the producer do you enjoy your work?
Assistant producer. As with everything, there are challenges along the way, however, it
was really great being involved in such a creative process and to see the students' enjoyment
over the course of the rehearsals; to see the outcome and everyone's hard work
is incredibly invaluable.

-Why did you join the B&B production crew?
I have a passion for theatre and I wanted to be involved in the production in some
capacity. I wanted to immerse myself within the arts of this school.

-What is the biggest struggle you encountered over the course of the production?
Well, one of the challenges of managing B&B was finding the time amongst teaching to communicate with the huge number of people involved.

-If given time, do you think that the production would have improved?
I think it was as fantastic as it was! Maybe with more rehearsal time a few things could've been tightened up but, like I said, it was an incredible production!

-How were you expecting the night of the play to turn out?
Itíll be alright on the night! Everyone's hard work and endless toil created a fusion of
the arts which was a feast for the eyes!


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