Tuesday 10 June 2014

Paramount Championship 2013 - 2014

Paramount Championship
by Jordan Quah Chung-Eu, Year 10 Rho 

From the soothing sounds of the singers, to the electrifying performances of the bands, to the mesmerizing choreography of the dancers, to the melodious tunes of the musicians; the day was a success, albeit not without its shortcomings. As we all know, every groundbreaking performance has to have its minor flaws and imperfections; the flaws make each performance unique.

The Paramount Competition was an amazing feat produced by the students, for the students. The sheer amount of effort, teamwork and organisation needed was pulled off by the prefects, backstage crew and performers; each and every one of them students. Each of them played a major part in the success of this competition. 

The prefects were in charge of planning, organising and carrying out the inner workings of the competition. Within the span of a few months, they organised and prepared the show as thoroughly as possible. They did the unseen work of handling entries, planning and scheduling of the day itself, and overall, constructing the memorable day that left all of us with a sense of pride in our school and its students.

The backstage crew were in charge of the work in the shadows, making changes to the stage as the lights flickered on and off, switching props and moving equipment back and forth. The backstage crew were responsible for ensuring all the performers were properly equipped with microphones or any other essential paraphernalia.

Last but not least, the performers themselves, each of them showing their bravery in performing under the eyes of their peers and letting their hearts and souls be judged by the teachers. Many of them had different motives to their performance; some the thrill to perform and others the need to express and nurture their talents amongst the crowds, but all of them showing triumph in adversity.

Despite all the wonderful display of talent and success, there were slight hiccups in the technical department due to the lack of working equipment. In addition, the initial hype and excitement of the students died down after countless singing performances dragged on back-to-back. However, all of this did not discourage the performers in showcasing their talent to the school and still putting on a show.

As all good things come to an end, so did the memorable competition that created new memories and experience, and to some of them, a final hurrah before the upcoming slew of tests.


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