Friday 26 September 2014

Welcome Back To School

by Cheah Ansonn 11 Eta: 

Welcome back, my fellow schoolmates, to a new year of learning!

To those who are new this year, the members of the Journalism Club would like to welcome you all to Sri KDU International  School, also known as SKIS. You’ve most likely had a glimpse of the Malaysia Day Carnival earlier this month; the money earned will go towards the Beauty and The Beast production that will take place in our Multi-purpose Hall on the 9th and 10th October. Just imagine-- the money that you spent on that day is now a dress worn by our Belle or perhaps part of the stool that the Beast will be prompted up with (He may be small, but he’s  a fine example of the adage “good things come in small packages!”)

We hope that the CCL registration was not too confusing for the newer students who haven’t used an interface like that before. We also hope that you have all got used to the food from the cafeteria downstairs.

And as troublesome as it is, you really do have to get yourselves equipped with the required equipment, and it is compulsory to purchase one of those fancy looking planners; it’s the go-to reference for your daily schedule, assignment deadlines, and the only place to record house points for your house! (Also, appreciate the new planner. Previously we had plastic covers that could cut you and the binder always broke after only a few months. However, we could use them as whiteboards.)

To the new generation of Year 10 students, we welcome you to Key Stage. At this point, you are also seniors of this school, and are role models for the next batch of younger, more impressionable students. You’ll be studying the same subjects for the next two years and we hope you made the right choice for the direction you want to take in life. It’s still a long way to go, but you should be passionate about what you do.

Please do not hesitate to seek for help or advice from your peers, teachers, the Key Stage Coordinators (Mrs. Baxter (KS3), Ms. Jasmine (KS4), Dr. Richard (KS5, IBDP) or Ms. Pauline (Counselor)). They are all here to ensure that your experience as a student in SKIS is the best it can be. Don’t be intimidated! They might give a lot of homework, but they are steady and reliable people who want to help you.

We hope to record everyone’s academic journey in the yearbook, so that we all have a memento of the great times in SKIS. If you want a picture or achievement or article immortalized in it, you have to try new things and get involved, okay? We’re looking forward to capture the best moments into the snippets on this website and the yearbook, and going on this new academic year and adventure with everyone else; but most importantly, we hope everyone has fun in creating their memories at SKIS!


The Journalism Club


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