Tuesday 30 September 2014

Journalism Writing Competition 2014-2015

By Ng Jia Wei 11 eta:


Since Chee Kin's already covered the photography competition, I'm here to talk about the writing competition.

The Journalism Writing Competition 2014-2015 is open to all students, whether you're in year 7 or an IB student. Submissions should be made via the skisjournalism.blogspot website (a.k.a. this website) through a Google form that will allow you to upload your Word document. If anything goes wrong with that, blame Jia Quan from 11 eta, head of programming.

Deadline is the 8th of December 2014. For the particularly fastidious, it basically means we'll accept anything that arrives before midnight that day.

The topics for the competition are:
- Something related to Paramount Championships
- The Actor
- A State Of Trance
- Baby Steps

Any form of writing is accepted. Poetry, prose, even the script for a play! However, in the case of the script, the clarity needed in terms of stage directions and formatting is hard, so we suggest not to submit a script.

Rules are as follows:
- Submitting a piece under a fake name is perfectly fine if you want to be anonymous. Just give us a way to contact you in case of any problems (email preferred).
- Only one entry allowed per student. The head editor is very fussy, and if two submitted entries seem to hold very similar styles, she will be checking.
- No word limit. You can write a five-book saga if you want to, as long as it stays within the topic and DOES NOT RAMBLE. We cannot emphasize the rambling bit enough because that would be rambling.
- Upload a Microsoft Word document. The head editor will make an effort to get the file up and running if it's in another format, but she's not that saintly if you purposely upload weird things like Scrivener files.
- Use a font that's easy to read, and a suitable font size.
- You do not need to print your piece.
- The judges (English department teachers, the head editor and the next head editor) reserve the right to disqualify pieces that they deem inappropriate for the competition.
-As a note to the above rule, themes of violence and hints of more mature themes are acceptable, as long as they are not present in a gratuitous fashion for reasons that do not seem to develop the characters/storyline/content.

*Head editor: Jia Wei (Year 11)
*Next head editor: Katherine (Year 10)

If you have any questions, email Chee Kin at 17589@kdu-online.com 

Good luck, and have fun writing!

Monday 29 September 2014

Journalism Photography Competition 2014-2015

By Beh Chee Kin 11 Rho:


The Journalism Photography Competition 2014-2015 is open all students from Year 7 to the IBs and will end on the 8th of December. Entries will be submitted via the skisjournalism website through a Google form that will allow you to upload your images (the form will be up somewhere around next week as we start receiving entires for the competition). Until then/8th of December, happy snapping.

The topics for the competition are:
- People
- Pictures of Paramount Championship

Some rules are:
- Image manipulation is allowed (Photoshop, Lightroom etc) [Only if all objects in the image are taken
by you.]
- There are no size limits for your photos.
- Each student is allowed 5 entries.
- Photographs all types of camera are allowed (Phone cameras are discouraged as a dedicated camera takes much nicer photos [This is not a lie!])
- You do not need to print your photos.
- If you are editing your photos please, upload the original along with the edited versions.

If you have any questions, email me at 17589@kdu-online.com 

Good luck!

Sunday 28 September 2014

Malaysia Day Carnival

by Katherine Tham Man Yin 10 Rho: 

Malaysia Day Carnival; the event that not only reminds the students about the glory of our country but also a fundraiser that’ll push SKIS’ Beauty and the Beast production to even greater heights. The event took place on September 22nd 2014 where both KS3 and KS4 students came together to spend their money on the goodies that were being sold during their respective lunch times in order to raise money for the SKIS 
Beauty and the Beast production.

The students who volunteered themselves to open up a stall for the carnival put a lot of work into pushing their imaginations to the limit; each stall had their own creative ideas to snag the attention of the students as well as teachers of SKIS. From quizzes that test your patience all the way to lucky draws, you name it, they had it! Meanwhile, our very own choir put up a spectacular performance when they gave the students of SKIS a little sneak peak of the songs from our upcoming production, Beauty and the Beast.

Moreover, the choir group’s performance weren’t the only highlight of the short event. A few teachers of SKIS volunteered to sit down in the field and ready themselves for the sponging of their lives. Though they might not have enjoyed it as much as they could’ve, we can all safely say they had some fun to a certain extent. What could be better than spending an hour or two of being sponged under the scorching Malaysian sun?

The full image gallery for this event can be found here.

Friday 26 September 2014

Welcome Back To School

by Cheah Ansonn 11 Eta: 

Welcome back, my fellow schoolmates, to a new year of learning!

To those who are new this year, the members of the Journalism Club would like to welcome you all to Sri KDU International  School, also known as SKIS. You’ve most likely had a glimpse of the Malaysia Day Carnival earlier this month; the money earned will go towards the Beauty and The Beast production that will take place in our Multi-purpose Hall on the 9th and 10th October. Just imagine-- the money that you spent on that day is now a dress worn by our Belle or perhaps part of the stool that the Beast will be prompted up with (He may be small, but he’s  a fine example of the adage “good things come in small packages!”)

We hope that the CCL registration was not too confusing for the newer students who haven’t used an interface like that before. We also hope that you have all got used to the food from the cafeteria downstairs.

And as troublesome as it is, you really do have to get yourselves equipped with the required equipment, and it is compulsory to purchase one of those fancy looking planners; it’s the go-to reference for your daily schedule, assignment deadlines, and the only place to record house points for your house! (Also, appreciate the new planner. Previously we had plastic covers that could cut you and the binder always broke after only a few months. However, we could use them as whiteboards.)

To the new generation of Year 10 students, we welcome you to Key Stage. At this point, you are also seniors of this school, and are role models for the next batch of younger, more impressionable students. You’ll be studying the same subjects for the next two years and we hope you made the right choice for the direction you want to take in life. It’s still a long way to go, but you should be passionate about what you do.

Please do not hesitate to seek for help or advice from your peers, teachers, the Key Stage Coordinators (Mrs. Baxter (KS3), Ms. Jasmine (KS4), Dr. Richard (KS5, IBDP) or Ms. Pauline (Counselor)). They are all here to ensure that your experience as a student in SKIS is the best it can be. Don’t be intimidated! They might give a lot of homework, but they are steady and reliable people who want to help you.

We hope to record everyone’s academic journey in the yearbook, so that we all have a memento of the great times in SKIS. If you want a picture or achievement or article immortalized in it, you have to try new things and get involved, okay? We’re looking forward to capture the best moments into the snippets on this website and the yearbook, and going on this new academic year and adventure with everyone else; but most importantly, we hope everyone has fun in creating their memories at SKIS!


The Journalism Club


By Ng Jia Wei 11 Eta:

Welcome to the new Journalism webpage! Under the cut is more information about what kind of things can be found on the website. 

In the last term of Journalism of the academic year 2013/2014, efforts were finally put towards building a decent, navigable website (after about 999 years or something). Over the summer holidays, the main journalists put together this website, with a much more organized layout and a cleaner design than before. (Main members can be found here)

The purpose of this website is to be able to eliminate the pesky problem of ‘OMG WHY DOES THE EXAM TIMETABLE KEEP CHANGING’ and ‘ARE WE SUPPOSED TO MEET IN THE MPH FOR (generic) EVENT’ and even ‘IS THERE SCHOOL TOMORROW OR CAN WE SLEEP’ et cetera. All the information surrounding the school events will be consolidated here, so that everyone can look for the stuff they actually need. There will also be a full list of teacher’s emails so even though you were supposed to copy them down in lessons if you have any questions, you can directly email your teachers.

There will also be things like polls and competitions hosted on this website from time to time, so that everything is more easily accessible to everyone. Articles will provide coverage of school events and news from every aspect of the school day/term/year. There’s a convenient comments section below every article, so feel free to drop anything you want to say in there like if there’s a typo and you want to annoy us journalists by being grammar Nazis.

There will also be a tab to ‘Ask’ us things, and it leads to a simple Google Doc that you can then fill out to ask us about any questions or worries you have.  One of the main journalists will try to get back to you within 24 hours. Of course, don’t spam us with questions at 1 a.m., because we’re good students and sleep early and we totally do not stay up late watching anime.

We hope that this website can help out everyone and make the information accessing process much simpler and more straightforward. ☺

P.S. Unicorns can be found every once in a while, so do check back often. They say that finding one grants eternal youth and straight A* grades.

P.P.S There's an Easter egg on the website that leads to a page full of kappas. Finding it grants you a small prize. (This prize is not extended to the Journalism club members who already know about it.)