Tuesday 10 June 2014

Paramount Championship 2013 - 2014

Paramount Championship
by Jordan Quah Chung-Eu, Year 10 Rho 

From the soothing sounds of the singers, to the electrifying performances of the bands, to the mesmerizing choreography of the dancers, to the melodious tunes of the musicians; the day was a success, albeit not without its shortcomings. As we all know, every groundbreaking performance has to have its minor flaws and imperfections; the flaws make each performance unique.

The Paramount Competition was an amazing feat produced by the students, for the students. The sheer amount of effort, teamwork and organisation needed was pulled off by the prefects, backstage crew and performers; each and every one of them students. Each of them played a major part in the success of this competition. 

The prefects were in charge of planning, organising and carrying out the inner workings of the competition. Within the span of a few months, they organised and prepared the show as thoroughly as possible. They did the unseen work of handling entries, planning and scheduling of the day itself, and overall, constructing the memorable day that left all of us with a sense of pride in our school and its students.

The backstage crew were in charge of the work in the shadows, making changes to the stage as the lights flickered on and off, switching props and moving equipment back and forth. The backstage crew were responsible for ensuring all the performers were properly equipped with microphones or any other essential paraphernalia.

Last but not least, the performers themselves, each of them showing their bravery in performing under the eyes of their peers and letting their hearts and souls be judged by the teachers. Many of them had different motives to their performance; some the thrill to perform and others the need to express and nurture their talents amongst the crowds, but all of them showing triumph in adversity.

Despite all the wonderful display of talent and success, there were slight hiccups in the technical department due to the lack of working equipment. In addition, the initial hype and excitement of the students died down after countless singing performances dragged on back-to-back. However, all of this did not discourage the performers in showcasing their talent to the school and still putting on a show.

As all good things come to an end, so did the memorable competition that created new memories and experience, and to some of them, a final hurrah before the upcoming slew of tests.

“Life is a catwalk.”

“Life is a catwalk.”
by Sarah Tan Hui Ann - Year 10 Kappa
Interviewed by Renee Tan, Sean Josh, Fazli and Sarah

Have you ever spotted Mr. Frazer in his bright red and white polka-dotted top in the hallways and thought to yourself, “Oh wow, Mr. Frazer has outdone himself once again.” or “Why are his outfits so striking?”  Well, his response to you would be - “life is a catwalk.”

Mr. Frazer’s fashion choices are based on two simple rules:-
When wearing a patterned item of clothing, always pair it with block colours.
Patterned on patterned is VERY dangerous. Do not try it unless you’re Mr. Frazer or when like him, your laundry isn't finished.

However, Mr. Frazer doesn't just rely on his own unique fashionable instincts to come up with his next outfit; he often looks to his fashion inspiration, Coco Chanel. “Fashion-trends come and go, but Coco Chanel managed to find the classic in everything,” stated Mr. Frazer. 

Mr. Frazer also mentioned that he has not only a great taste in fashion but in music as well. His favourite genres are classical, soul, blues and jazz. As a university student, Mr. Frazer didn't have much money therefore he got a job working at BBC’s music library where he would search through their selection of records to find the songs that the DJs wanted mainly because the job hours were late at night after he had been done with his classes. “It was there that I was taught that you don’t have to listen to only music that other people like,” Mr. Frazer told us.  

When questioned on his love for history, Mr. Frazer told us that he has always enjoyed seeing inside people’s minds which is why he studied Archaeology in university before furthering his studies with a master’s degree in Philosophy.

If he were to have a historical party and could only invite three guests, he would invite both Richard Burtons and Tycho Brahe. 

Green-loving Mr. Frazer describes Malaysia as a “melting pot of different cultures.” He also sees Malaysia as a country with a lot of potential to become a regional leader as it has a good location and a very progressive society. He also mentioned that he is glad that Malaysia is “a country that still has Starbucks.” 

As you can tell, Mr. Frazer is one interesting man with a lot of history which is why we are so fascinated by him and his ways.

“Without darkness, you can’t see the light.”
- Mr. James Simon Prague Frazer



by Adriana Binti Zaba, Year 9 Kappa and Katherine Tham Man Yin, Year 9 Rho
Everybody has had their share of embarrassing moments. Even teachers! Shocking, I know. Imagine your serious, professional, no-nonsense teachers have been in awkward situations! Read on to find out! 

Ms Thomas
Q: What did your students/ friends call you?
Ms. T:”Umm..My students called me ‘R’Dog, because they thought it was cool and street.”

Q: What are your hobbies?
Ms. T:”My hobbies are playing tennis with Mr.Everett, rock-climbing, going to the gym, and having a game of poker with friends.”

Q: Have you had any embarrassing jobs?
“I used to be a promo girl. I had to walk around to centre while wearing stilettos and an afro, while in a cat suit.”

Q: What is your horoscope?
“I’m a Cancer.”

Q: How do you come to school?
“I walk and jog.”

Q: What was your childhood ambition?
“I wanted to be a photographer who travels.”

Q: What were your embarrassing moments?
“it was Christmas and I went out to eat, and I stepped onto the iced pavement and I fell. I got back up only to land on my bum again. This happened six times.”

Ms. Cheese
Q: What did your students/ friends call you?
“ I used to be called Chez.”

Q: What are your hobbies?
“I enjoy Yoga, rock climbing, tennis, poetry, writing and reading.”

Q: Have you had any embarrassing jobs?
“I used to work in a card factory, glueing and 
sticking stuff on.”

Q: What is your horoscope? 
“I’m a Leo”

Q: How do you come to school?
“I travel to school by minibus.”

Q: What was you childhood ambition?
“I wanted to be an actress.”

Q: What were your embarrassing moments?
“I was wearing a dress with high heels and I tripped and fell over. I grabbed my colleague in the process and we both fell.”

Mr Baxter
Q: What was your nickname?
A: Well a few people had told me that I resembled Pierce Morgan. So I guess I’d be known as that.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I enjoy the sport cricket very much as well as football and watching movies.

Q: What was the worst job you’ve ever worked as?
A: I had to serve in a very boring hospital and we had to wear really plain and redundant uniforms.

Q: What is your zodiac sign?
A: I’m a Sagittarius.

Q: How do you get to school every day?
A: I drive to school with Mrs Baxter.

Q: What was your dream job as a child?
A: I wanted to become a cricket player.

Mr Frazer

Q: What was your nickname?
A: The Breeze.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I like reading, cycling and watching films.

Q: What was the worst job you ever worked for?
A: I worked as a cleaner and taxi organizer.

Q: What is your zodiac?
A: I’m a Sagittarius.

Q: How do you get to school?
A: I ride on my bicycle. 

Q: What was your dream job as a child?
A: Anything but a teacher.  I wanted to be a novelist.

Q: What was the most embarrassing moment that has ever happened to you?
A: During Christmas, I went to Cambodia with my wife. We had to do a review of a hotel. The PR women had set up a romantic dinner for me and my wife but she couldn’t make it as she was busy working. The table they booked was set right in the centre of the restaurant and it was embarrassing to turn up alone without my wife so I had to eat with the PR women.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

SKIS Journalism

Here at Sri KDU International School [that is, SKIS for short] our school never fails to find the talents of each and every student through our various course of fascinating events-- from Swimming Gala to School Productions [Musicals], to Shakespeare's Week and the ever popular Paramount Championship, SKIS has students teeming with talent and creativity.

Our Journalism Club strives to cover every detail possible over each of these events: our skillful writers and photographers go all the way to make sure that you can receive the events like you were right there watching! Then, our designers create covers and the team uploads articles and photographs onto the blog for your viewing convenience!

The Journalism Club.